How do you expect to do design if you don’t sweat the fucking basics like class/method/variable naming or decompositon of methods?
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How do you expect to do design if you don’t sweat the fucking basics like class/method/variable naming or decompositon of methods?
You can always take smaller steps, you just have to fucking do it instead of messing around.
If you’re a software developer and don’t have at least one side project you’re fucking dead in the water.
You learn by following the rules first, then bending them, not the other way round.
“Bad code is like Herpes. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.” – @unclebobmartin fucking nails it
Reading a book about programming is not about parsing the book, it’s about generating the mental code for your daily work from it.
If something breaks, it’s your fucking fault, not the compiler.
If you have to scroll, your fucking method is way too long. It’s that simple.
Don’t use every obscure language runtime feature just because you fucking can. Chances are, you don’t understand it anyway. #objective_c
Don’t use every obscure language feature just because you fucking can. Chances are, you don’t understand it deeply enough anyway.